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July 07, 2007
WoW on My iPhone
After having finally gotten an iPhone yesterday after much hassle in tracking one down, I discovered Telekinesis, a wonderful app that runs on your Mac and provides a web gateway for controlling it through an iPhone-friendly interface.
Naturally, I tried running a variety of applications using my iPhone as a controller and screen for my Mac, but the most impressive was World of Warcraft. While performance was hardly smooth, I could control several actions in WoW through the iPhone interface. Most notably, I could read and respond to in-game chat without too much of a problem.
I recorded the experience and posted a video here on YouTube for your viewing pleasure.
To clarify, WoW is running on the MacBook Pro that you see in the beginning. The iPhone just serves as a separate screen and controller connected over the internet. The iPhone's CPU is NOT running the game.
Posted by Alan Joyce at July 7, 2007 11:18 AM
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Nice job! I was talking about this with some friends the other day. It would be great if Blizzard made a WoW client for the iPhone that uses much fewer resources. Smaller textures, lower graphics and sound settings, etc.
Posted by: Neil at July 7, 2007 06:12 PM
OMG are you serious thats a joke. Just because you can do something doesnt mean it actually accomplishes anything. It would take ages to get anything done at that pace. The iPhone is really just a big screen. Its still a small device with a slow interface. Just like PDA's this will fade over time. Real professionals use tablets, people with too much money that cant use devices properly buy iPhones. Sometimes small isnt a great thing, and its big for a phone so it loses on both.
Posted by: nfiniti9 at July 9, 2007 03:58 PM
Great find buddy. Now I have to find myself an Iphone to play with.
Posted by: Ted - GamexViral.com at July 10, 2007 01:51 AM
Wow that's great! Now go get some fresh air and stop playing that retarded game on your phone.
Posted by: Adisharr at July 10, 2007 10:30 AM
FYI, the iPhone uses a Samsung 633MHz ARM RISC.
Posted by: lysdexia at July 10, 2007 01:26 PM
Is it possible to stream this without using a MAC, like i have a regular Toshiba laptop is there a program out there that i can stream to my Iphone?
Posted by: Chronoscarte at July 11, 2007 12:30 PM
Is it possible to stream this without using a MAC, like i have a regular Toshiba laptop is there a program out there that i can stream to my Iphone?
Posted by: Chronoscarte at July 11, 2007 12:30 PM
Do you have that video in a higher resolution? :)
Posted by: PJ at July 11, 2007 03:40 PM
dude your fucking retarded.
Windows mobile on a ppc does everything iphone does much better and it's done it for years.
Posted by: mike at July 11, 2007 04:11 PM
nice! - great idea.. seems to work okay.. least you could pester your guild while out and about :P
now we just need Counter-Strike on it :P i wouldn't be able to shoot anything though :(
Posted by: Dan (D-Gaming) at July 12, 2007 02:45 PM
dude i saw this on a g4 tv newsbreak but ur video looks totally fake. theres a lot of controversy circling around this subject. to me honestly, it looks like a few screenshots on ur phone. if u could provide more proof thatd be great. ^.^
Posted by: justin at July 14, 2007 01:55 AM