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June 22, 2006

iSight Capture

AppleScript IconI just finished a very simple little app that automatically takes a picture with an iSight camera (built-in definitely works, external may as well) at user-specified intervals (default is 60 seconds). If you're going to be away from your computer for a couple minutes and want to see what happens around it in your absence, this app should help.

1. Download [I have gotten feedback that the security of the UNIX script dmg file may be suspect, so download at your own risk from the developer's site] and put it in your Applications folder.
2. Download my iSight Capture app and put it anywhere on your computer.
3. Double click the app to run it, it will keep Terminal open while it works.
4. Follow the instructions on the dialogs. It will store the pics it takes in your home folder.

Posted by Alan Joyce at June 22, 2006 04:18 PM

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Hey man your appli iSight Capture is a nice
Trojan... Should I said that on differents forum
or would you like to arrange this exploit...
(OSX Exploit.MetaData.2)
Gosh it is quite easy man... Try to find better
if it is your way. Or take care if not...


Posted by: Befluid at March 2, 2007 01:48 PM

Are you talking about the UNIX script from intergalactic.de or my iSight Capture app? The iSight Capture app was written in applescript, from scratch, by me.

The UNIX script to capture an image from the iSight could be suspect, although in all my testing it appears to be legitimate. Where and how are you seeing this exploit?

Posted by: Alan Joyce at March 2, 2007 06:46 PM

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